The First Blog Post

I’ve been spending a lot of time at home and it has created the perfect condition for an outrages amount of thoughts circling around in my mind. Of course I have the usual parenting stuff in my head; We should try this sport, Buy winter clothes, Decide on Halloween costumes, Who’s birthday is it?, Should I volunteer for this school event? And then I have ideas on crafts I want to do; $10 for a hair bow, I can make it instead!, How can I carve the best jack-o-lanturn to win the contest?, Sure, I can build you an outdoor bench. But something unexpected has worked its way into my head and that something is a blog!

I’m a creative, there’s no doubt about it. I love to work with my hands and imagine things that nobody could ever think of and taking that idea a step further making it the best and most unique thing someone has experienced. Any craft, any medium, I’m usually game. But writing, that’s a whole other ballgame. First off, I’m not good a spelling, it’s a known fact. And that trickles into the realm of grammar. I understand most of it, I can take educated guesses on it, but I would not consider myself good at grammar. But I still have that creative bug in me, so if I really try hard writing my thoughts down can be kind of… fun. So here I am starting a blog for fun. I want to make it a place were I can write about my crazy ideas, showcase some work, talk about food (I love food), and maybe even another passion of mine, culture.

So, while I love having my head swarming with ideas I want a place to try and organize it all. I want a place where I feel comfortable releasing these ideas out into the wild and hope they find their way into someone else’s head.